Active Colorado Local Governments by Type

The following list of local government types is provided for reference and research purposes and may not be complete. Some types that may not be included are "quasi-governmental" entities created as joint ventures through intergovernmental agreements and some component units, which can be considered "sub-governments" of their parent local government. For more information regarding each type of government, review its statutory or constitutional authority which can be found here .

Total Active Local Governments: 4,801
Total Active Title 32 Districts: 3,057
Total Active Title 32, Article 1 Districts: 3,044

Code:Description:Statutory Authority:Count:
41 Airport Authorities 41-3-101 4
45 Ambulance Districts 32-1-103 11
95 Boards of Cooperative (Educational) Services (BOCES) 22-5-104 20
57 Business Improvement Districts 31-25-1201 81
15 Cemetery Districts 30-20-801 81
93 Charter Schools 22-30.5-101, 22-30.5-104.7, 22-30.5-501, 22-30.5-601 81
56 Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority 25-8.5-101 1
70 City & County Of Broomfield Constitution Art. XX, Sec. 10-13 1
61 City & County Of Denver 30-11-101 & Constitution Art. XX, Sec. 4 1
66 Colorado Intermountain Fixed Guideway Authority 32-16-104 (repealed 1/1/2004) 0
77 Colorado New Energy Improvement District 32-20-104 1
38 Colorado Travel And Tourism Authority 29-24-101 (repealed 8/1/2000) 0
43 Conservancy Districts (Flood Control) 37-1-101 to 37-8-101 4
51 Conservation Districts (River Water) 37-46-101 to 37-50-142 4
20 Conservation Districts (Soil) 35-70-101 74
1 Counties 30-1-101 62
33 County Disposal Districts 30-20-201 1
32 County Housing Authorities 29-4-502 29
19 County Pest Control Districts 35-5-101 15
13 County Recreation Districts 30-20-701 8
50 County Water & Sanitation Facilities 30-20-401 0
68 Denver Health And Hospital Authority 25-29-103 1
63 Denver Metropolitan Major League Baseball Stadium District 32-14-104 1
52 Denver Metropolitan Scientific & Cultural Facilities District 32-13-104 1
26 Downtown Development Authorities 31-25-801 21
25 Drainage Districts 37-20-101 14
81 Early Childhood Development Service District 32-21-101 0
60 Emergency Telephone Service (911 Authorities) 29-11-101 32
78 Federal Mineral Lease Districts 30-20-1304 5
8 Fire Protection Districts 32-1-103 249
75 Forest Improvement Districts 32-18-101 0
76 Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control, and Greenway District 32-11.5-201 1
85 Front Range Passenger Rail District 32-22-101 1
28 General Improvement Districts (Municipal) 31-25-601 60
44 Grand Valley Drainage District 37-31-104 1
17 Ground Water Management Districts 37-90-118 14
73 Health Assurance Districts 32-1-103 or Title 32, Article 19 0
9 Health Service Districts (Hospital) 32-1-103 or Title 32, Article 19 40
2 Home Rule Municipalities 31-1-202 & Constitution Art. XX 102
46 Housing Authorities (Municipal) 29-4-204 87
47 Intergovernmental Authorities (separate legal entity) 29-1-201 to 204 73
94 Intergovernmental Cooperatives (contractual association) 29-1-203 2
40 Internal Improvement Districts (Flood Control) 37-44-101 0
22 Irrigation Districts (Irrigation Drainage) 37-41-101 to 37-44-149 16
24 Law Enforcement Authorities 30-11-401 7
16 Library Districts 24-90-103 57
23 Local District College 23-71-101 4
30 Local Improvement Districts (County) 30-20-601 51
71 Local Marketing Districts 29-25-101 6
74 Mental Health Care Service Districts 32-17-101 0
6 Metropolitan Districts 32-1-103 2,425
67 Metropolitan Football Stadium District 32-15-104 1
14 Metropolitan Sewage Disposal Districts 32-4-501 2
21 Metropolitan Water Districts 32-4-401 0
54 Mine Drainage Districts 34-51-101 0
36 Moffat Tunnel Authority 32-8-101 1
69 Multijurisdictional Housing Authorities 29-1-204.5 10
7 Park & Recreation Districts 32-1-103 56
34 Power Authorities 29-1-204 2
55 Public Highway Authorities 43-4-501 3
31 Public Improvement Districts (County) 30-20-501 97
65 Pueblo Depot Activity Development Authority 29-23-104 1
48 Rail Districts 32-12-101 0
49 Recreation Facility Districts 29-7-101 2
58 Regional Service Authorities 32-7-101 & Constitution Art. XIV, Sec. 17 1
64 Regional Transportation Authorities 43-4-601 7
37 Regional Transportation District 32-9-101 1
10 Sanitation Districts 32-1-103 67
99 School Districts 22-30-103 & Constitution Art.IX, Sec. 15 178
53 Scientific & Cultural Facilities Districts 32-13-108 0
82 Special Improvement District (Intergovernmental Authorities) 29-1-203.5(3)(c) 1
29 Special Improvement Districts (Municipal, Incl. Storm Sewer) 31-25-501 33
80 Special Improvement Districts (Title 32 Special District) 32-1-1101.7 2
59 Special Taxing Districts of Home Rule County 30-35-901 & Home Rule Charter 1
72 Special Taxing Districts of Home Rule Municipality Home Rule Charter (not from CRS, incl. 31-25-501, 31-25-601) 11
4 Statutory Cities 31-1-203 11
5 Statutory Towns 31-1-203 157
79 Subdistrict of Special District Title 32, Article 1, Section 1101(1)(f) 52
3 Territorial Charter Municipalities Territorial Charter & Constitution Art. XIV, Sec.13 1
42 Tunnel Districts 32-1-103 0
62 University Of Colorado Hospital Authority 23-21-503 1
39 Urban Drainage & Flood Control District 32-11-101 2
27 Urban Renewal Authorities 31-25-101 70
12 Water & Sanitation Districts 32-1-103 120
35 Water Authorities 29-1-204.2 33
18 Water Conservancy Districts 37-45-101 53
11 Water Districts 32-1-103 74