Local Government Levies (ADM916)

Course: ADM916
Local Government Levies
Course Length:1 day
Education Credit:None
Recommended Prerequisites:None
Cost Per Student:$10.00
(Please make checks payable to Colorado Assessors' Association.)
Required Equipment:None
Topics:- What is the Certification of Values Report
- Review of Data Reported by the Assessor
- Filing Requirements for Entities
- Certification of Levies
- Certifications of Levies and Revenues
- Budget 101 Reviews
- How to Calculate the Mill Levy
Special Notes:The primary objective of this course is to cover statutes and corresponding procedures pertaining to the certification of levies processes; including forms, definitions, filing requirements and filing deadlines. Statutory filing dates for Certification of Levies are covered including an overview of deadlines for operation budgets. This course is designed as a blend of Budget 101 and Certification of Values, to education assessment staff and local government employees involved in the certification of values and certification of levies.

Available by Special Request
Current Course Offerings:September 17, 2024
Time: 9:00a.m to 12:00p.m
Instructor(s): Victor Chen, Wendy Hernandez
Currently Enrolled: 14
Capacity: 40"

Remote Via Zoom (view map)

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